Luxion CSIRT and PSIRT

The central expert teams for immediate response to security threats and issues affecting Luxion products, solutions, services, or infrastructure.

Luxion CSIRT and PSIRT is a dedicated team of seasoned security experts and engineers that manages the receipt, investigation, internal coordination, and public reporting of security issues related to Luxion products, solutions, or services. PSIRT cultivates strong and credible relationships with partners and security experts around the globe to advance Luxion product security, to enable and support development of industry best practices, and most importantly to help Luxion customers manage security risks.

The team acts as the central contact point for security experts, industry groups, government organizations, and vendors to report potential Luxion product security vulnerabilities. This team will coordinate and maintain communication with all involved parties, internal and external, in order to appropriately respond to identified security issues. Security Advisories are released in order to inform customers about necessary steps to securely operate Luxion products and solutions. 

Get In Touch with the Team

Feel free to contact us with any security-related questions on the Luxion portfolio or infrastructure, and particularly if you want to report a potential security issue. Please bear in mind that only emails composed in English or Danish can be considered and encrypted communication is preferred. You can expect us to respond by the next business day from Denmark (City: Aarhus).

Luxion CSIRT and PSIRT

Contact for Products, Solutions, Services, and Infrastructure
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Luxion Security Advisories

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