Los equipos centrales de expertos para una respuesta inmediata a las amenazas y problemas de seguridad que afectan a los productos, soluciones, servicios o infraestructuras de Luxion.

Luxion CSIRT and PSIRT is a dedicated team of seasoned security experts and engineers that manages the receipt, investigation, internal coordination, and public reporting of security issues related to Luxion products, solutions, or services. PSIRT cultivates strong and credible relationships with partners and security experts around the globe to advance Luxion product security, to enable and support development of industry best practices, and most importantly to help Luxion customers manage security risks.

The team acts as the central contact point for security experts, industry groups, government organizations, and vendors to report potential Luxion product security vulnerabilities. This team will coordinate and maintain communication with all involved parties, internal and external, in order to appropriately respond to identified security issues. Security Advisories are released in order to inform customers about necessary steps to securely operate Luxion products and solutions. 

Póngase en contacto con el equipo

No dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros para cualquier pregunta relacionada con la seguridad de la cartera o la infraestructura de Luxion y, en particular, si desea informar de un posible problema de seguridad. Tenga en cuenta que sólo se tendrán en cuenta los correos electrónicos redactados en inglés o danés y que es preferible la comunicación cifrada. Le responderemos al siguiente día laborable desde Dinamarca (ciudad: Aarhus).


Contact for Products, Solutions, Services, and Infrastructure
PGP Public Key and Fingerprint: 9f16ae54886fef9a69aae3e27e041a37decdf6b4

Descargar clave pública

Correo electrónico [email protected]

Avisos de seguridad de Luxion

WordPress Responsive Table