KeyVR 11.2 Improve Performance, Provide More Flexibility

by | 記事へ|コメント||2023年7月21日

Costa Mesa, California, 2月 8, 2023 - We’re excited to bring you KeyVR 11.2, which offers features requested by the community, along with bug fixes and quality improvements. Here’s what’s new in 11.2: . 

A dockable sidebar and fullscreen mode: have it your way 

We heard from you: you wanted this feature to come back. Our new solution is more flexible than the previous fullscreen button. Now you can simply drag and drop the sidebar around as you wish. This will be especially helpful if you want to present the VR view on a separate monitor without showing all the controls in the sidebar. 

Improved variable rate shading (VRS): get more for less 

Get better performance with our improved VRS implementation. Now you can fine-tune the intensity of the effect with new presets, from Light to Extreme.  

Go dark (if you like) 

Dark mode has arrived in KeyVR. If that’s not your thing, you can switch it off in the preferences.  

Get back to the basics with the teleport grid display  

Remove visual clutter by disabling the grid when in teleport mode, so you can keep your focus on what matters most: your design. 

And that’s not all…  

The full change log for all KeyVR 11.2 updates and bug fixes is available here


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