新增功能: KeyShot 2023 版本提升了您的工作流程,帶來了有用的更新

| 7月21, 2023

Costa Mesa, California, 三月 14, 2023 - KeyShot 2023 brings a boatload of improvements, helping you work faster and collaborate more easily with your stakeholders. Check out what’s new: 

Save time with saved scene templates 

Create scene templates to save preset environments, cameras, image style and more. You’ll save time when starting future projects, and you can standardize templates used across your organization, making it easier for different teams to create consistent visuals. Even better? We provide you with three scene templates to start with. 

Paint the town: Enjoy more color options and better accuracy 

  • Color accuracy you can rely on: When sharing visuals across teams, color accuracy can be a real pain – it’s no fun explaining to your boss that her monitor settings are messing with your painstakingly crafted product visual. But you don’t have to worry about this anymore! KeyShot 2023 features automatic color optimizing, meaning it’ll adjust to standard color profiles used across computers. 
  • New Coloro support: We love Pantone and all, but not everyone has access to it. Coloro is a free, scientifically accurate color library, and KeyShot 2023 features full Coloro support with 3500 colors. Democratizing design so that more people have access to creative resources? Heck yes.  

Collaborate seamlessly across your teams and organization 

KeyShotWeb allows you to share your scenes with people who don’t have KeyShot. All you need to do is send them a KeyShotWeb link (and you can even make that link secure). Now the KeyShot Web Viewer offers faster load times and features an all-new image gallery to showcase product hero shots alongside your interactive 3D model: just select the images to include when you upload your scene. Visitors may then switch through the images while enjoying smoother viewing experience when switching materials and lighting you’ve configured for your product. Additionally, KeyShot Web Viewer is better optimized for all mobile devices and includes a new AR model for iOS devices. 

So if you’re already using KeyShotWeb, you’ll enjoy a much smoother experience (and so will your stakeholders). And if you’re new to KeyShotWeb, just know you’re getting the speediest version yet! 

Amp up your animations, no matter your machine power 

That’s right: KeyShot 2023 features faster, more accurate animations, even on computers that haven’t been souped up with extra power. Physics simulations are now more realistic than ever before.  

Flex your flexibility with these new options

  • KeyShot 2023 features the ability to render layers using the open-source EXR option, meaning you’re no longer limited to the Adobe .psd output.  
  • Material capabilities include new Material Graph nodes for Fade Curve Animation to control texture animation and Ray Mask to mask out the front or backside of an object or various light properties. The Material Information Manager for Color, Material, Finish (CMF) now supports AxF meta-data import and the ability to add additional material properties.  
  • On top of this, KeyShot has partnered with Twinbru Fabrics to offer beautiful digital twin fabric materials. Material capabilities include new Material Graph nodes for Fade Curve Animation to control texture animation and Ray Mask to mask out the front or backside of an object or various light properties. The Material Information Manager for Color, Material, Finish (CMF) now supports AxF meta-data import and the ability to add additional material properties. 

But wait, there’s more! A LOT more.

Here’s a quick summary of all the new features and improvements in KeyShot 2023:  

  • Color Profile Detection 
  • Coloro Color Library 
  • Updated RAL Colors 
  • Updated PANTONE Matching 
  • Image Texture Formats 
  •  Optimized Physics Simulation 
  • Curve Fade Animation Node and Ray Mask Utility Node  
  • Meta Data Import – Twinbru includes all of the materials 
  • Add Material Properties 
  • Multi-layer EXR Output 
  • ASE Color Export 
  • Losless TIFF Compression 
  • Scene Templates 
  • Multi-select Camera, Environment, Image Styles 
  • New Welcome Window 
  • Web Viewer Image Gallery updates 
  • New Web Viewer AR/VR mode  
  • Full 2023.1 Change Log


Luxion是先進的領先開發商 3D rendering 和照明技術。KeyShot是第一款使用物理上正確的渲染引擎的即時光線追蹤應用程式,該引擎基於科學準確的材質表示和全域照明領域的科學研究。 滿足設計師、工程師、營銷專業人士、攝影師和CG專家的可視化需求, KeyShot 打破了從 3D 數位數據創建攝影圖像和動畫的複雜性。 Luxion 的客戶名單包括許多財富 1000 強產品製造商和主要工業設計公司,包括谷歌、克萊斯勒、可口可樂、Fossil、勞力士、路易威登、維多利亞的秘密、惠普、Microsoft、飛利浦、安德瑪、阿迪達斯等等。請訪問keyshot.com 瞭解更多資訊並關注 KeyShot 在 LinkedIn上。 


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+1 (949) 274-8871 

KeyShot 是Luxion ApS的註冊商標,所有其他公司和產品名稱可能是其各自所有者的商標。 
