Welcome to KeyShot Support


LATEST: Improve White Product Renderings with KeyShot’s Color Gradient Texture
Learn about a KeyShot feature to dial in white materials on white backgrounds.

How to Use the Shift Lens Setting in KeyShot
Learn how to use the Camera Shift Lens for product and architecture shots.

How Occlusion Works in KeyShot
Learn more about ambient occlusion and the applications for it in KeyShot.

How to Use KeyShot Real-time Region Rendering
See how to speed up the rendering process by using the Real-time Region render feature in KeyShot.

More Tips…


Quick Tips
Bite-size video tips to grow your knowledge about KeyShot quickly and help smooth out your workflow.

Short video tutorials that cover the basics of KeyShot, from rendering to animation, settings and more.

Our monthly webinars that take a deep-dive into mastering features in KeyShot and learning how others do it.


KeyShot 6 Manual
The online manual for the latest version of KeyShot with quick overviews of UI and features.

Network Rendering Manual
Online manual for the KeyShot Network Rendering add-on with details about installation, setup and more.

Pro-floating Installation
Online manual for KeyShot Pro Floating installation for Window, Mac OS X and Linux.

PDF Manuals: English | German

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Popular FAQs

What’s New in KeyShot?
ll new features can be seen on the What’s New page.

Does KeyShot take advantage of the CPU and GPU?
KeyShot is a fully optimized CPU-based render engine.

Can I embed a KeyShotVR a PowerPoint?
Please see this guide to walk you through the steps.


Popular Downloads

KeyShot Cloud
Materials, Environments and more shared by users.

KeyShot Hotkey Cheat Sheet
Small sheet of KeyShot hotkeys for both Windows and PC.

KeyShot Benchmark
Comparison of different KeyShot versions on various systems and scenes.

KeyShot Comparison
Comparison chart of the different KeyShot editions.


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